Friday 1 October 2010

Radio Jingles - Show Promo

First Ident

Whilst doing radio jingles I have learnt a lot about the conventions of radio as well as learning skills on a new piece of software, Logic  Pro. I learnt how to work some of the features on the programme and how to apply them to the tasks we were given. Whilst using the programme I was able to build on these skills throughout the tasks.
Doing radio jingles we created an advert for an imaginary product, we did all of this from recording the vocals in the advert, putting the recording on to the computer, editing it and adding in sound effects. By learning about the conventions of radio it was easier to make an advert as you can understand what would make an advert effective and what you should include during the advert. In my advert the most important information I included was the price of the product, where you can buy it and the name of the product. Another task we did was a ‘show promo’ this was a piece that was advertising a show on a radio station. My show promo included a main piece of music in the background with voices over it and short clips of songs at would be featured on the show. The main things that were included in the promo were the name of the show, when the show was going to be on, what was going to be happening on the show.  I also did a radio ident this was something no longer than five seconds that could be played at anytime during a radio show, showing the audience what radio station they were on and who they were listening to. By using all the features we had learnt on Logic Pro we were able to make the idents more interesting.
I feel the jingles I produced were quite good once I felt I could apply all the things I learnt to my pieces.  Once I was able to build on my skills I had learnt I was creating pieces that contained more features and sounded a lot better.

Notes on jingles
Logic Pro – DAW – Digital Audio Workstation
-          Multi Track
-          Record audio
-          Edit audio
-          Apply plug-ins
Other DAW’s
-          Sonar
-          Ordasity
-          Sound booth
-          Adobe Audition
-          Garage Band
Digi Design M Box – Roots sound in and out of computer.
Music Formats
WMA – Similar to MP3
MP3 – small file format – ideal for online use – lossy format
WAV – Good to use – lossless format
AIFF – Good to use – lossless format
AAC – Similar to MP3
Bouncing (Bounce)
Combines all songs to one track. Can change the song to a different format. If you wanted to upload the song to the internet you can change the file to an MP3.
 Show Promo Script
Tune in to SNC live for Mulley’s Monday nights from 6 till 9. Guest star example will perform live from our studio. And catch all the hits from this week’s chart.

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