Thursday 10 February 2011

Have online videos lowered the standards of television production?

I don’t think that online videos have lowered the standards of television. It is now easier to create good videos without the most expensive equipment and the professional programmes used in television productions. Many more people are being discovered by creating domestic videos using their standard video equipment in their household and most of the time it can come up to scratch with professional productions. Today the equipment used in professional television is the same as what people use in their home to create videos. They can both produce the same quality of work it’s just how you decide to use them. If the equipment is being used in a domestic environment it is very rare they will do anything with the footage after it has been shot but in professional productions there is big post production work done on the footage which makes the difference. The videos that are put on to television are never left the way they have been shot, if they are going to be shown on television they are always altered but the people that put up domestic videos on to online sites they are not touched up or altered in any way to make them look better. You can easily diminish a domestic video from a professional television production. I think having online videos becoming a lot more popular because you can get new ideas in ways of shooting and people who are coming up with these ideas are being recognised for their work, whereas if you see something on television you don’t really take much notice of the way it has been done or who came up with the idea.

How has the digital world changed the way we consume and create TV?

The digital world of television has been one of the largest changes in recent television technology. It is very rare that someone does not have digital television in their household. The different ways of watching TV in the digital world are using a satellite, where a signal is transmitted to an orbiting satellite that sends it back to receive the channels. This is one of a very popular ways of receiving digital television. Another way is multiplex, this way digital TV sends channels mixed together and the receiver separates them which you can then receive on satellite or cable televisions. Digital video broadcasting is also another way this is how you can receive television on your mobile handsets. The advantage of digital cameras over video and film cameras is that they can get a better outcome. The screen is able to gather small pigments through the megapixel s where as the video and film cameras don’t have the definition to that. Also they are just more efficient than other camera, they can store a lot of memory on a more efficient storage device. Not only is the shooting less hassle but the post production of digital cameras is a lot easier. With a storage device that can easily be accessed by computer technology it makes it faster. Editing has improved in the digital world by creating programmes that make editing easier, faster and better. With the forward movement of technology  the programmes that have come around to use for editing have been to create editing anything more professionally and less time consuming.

Brief history of TV in the UK and abroad

After the 1954 television act that made commercial broadcasting possible in the UK television technology has developed incredibly. One of the most popular television channels in the UK is h BBC and this has been broadcasting since the 1950’s by founder John Reith. Through the decades the BBC was evolving, with everything that happened in the 80 years it captured almost everything and is still evolving today. Another popular channel in the UK is ITV. ITV began broadcasting in 1955 in the London area. The format used to broadcast on in the UK, most of Europe and some of Africa. Television images have changed through the years going from the first colour television to new styles of televisions. Not only do the televisions change but the picture received on the televisions has changed. One of the biggest in satellite TV which allows you to receive more channels that just the five on terrestrial television. After this we were able to receive some of these new channels in better quality, this is called high definition. They also brought out a television that you have to have to get high definition on. Since this it is all about getting a better quality picture, and the new craze people are going to be introduced to in their household is 3D television.  PAL first started broadcasting in 1964. NTSC is the format used for broadcasting in America and Canada. NTSC was developed in 1941 but didn’t start broadcasting until the 1950’s. SECAM is another format used for broadcasting, this is used in Eastern Europe, and it was introduced in the 1960’s. The SECAM format has the same resolution as the PAL format. NTSC has 30 frames transmitted each second where as PAL and SECAM both have 25 frames per second. The technological advances of television have changed at every aspect. Since the aerial ‘rabbit ears’ were invented to get a reasonable picture on their television more and more technology has come about to get the perfect television picture. Colour television first came available to the public in the 1950’s and it was considered the biggest evolution in television technology. We then had plasma television, LCD screen televisions, high definition and the most recent is 3D television. Today having great inventions and great video technological advances isn’t really a big surprise to us, we have learnt to accept new things and we can adapt to the changes easily. There is more than one way to watch television now, you don’t need a television set, you don’t need an aerial and you don’t need wires. In 1996 web television was introduced, and soon after we were then able to access television on mobile phones. It is rare that you will find a mobile phone that you won’t be able to watch television on. There are now plenty of ways to consume television, there are more people watching television because of this and it’s just the evolution of technology.